Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit support These are the following requirements for Adobe Premiere CS5 My question is, what type of Mac Mini is necessary for me to find a fairly decent amount of quality when video editing on a Mac Mini using CS5. I've been reading up on it for a while, and Mac Minis don't have the RPMs to support Adobe CS5 (Minis only have 5400, it requires 7200), so to solve this problem, I figured i'd buy an external hard drive that runs at 7200 RPMs and install CS5 and run it off there. I dont want to spend a few thousand dollars in just a Mac at the moment (that will be in the future when video editing goes from a hobby to a career), so right now I want to purchase a Mac Mini.
Hello, I am into video editing and I am saving up the funds in order to get into serious video editing.